Ragueneau Sasaki

From Aomori

Maker of "Pporo Chocolat (Japanese Black Tea)" & "Pporo Chocolat Stick (Raspberry)"

Established in the 17th year of the Meiji Era, Ragueneau Sasaki had its humble beginnings as a small candy store in apple kingdom Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture.


Bringing Laughter and Joy Since the Meiji Era

Established in the 17th year of the Meiji Era, Ragueneau Sasaki had its humble beginnings as a small candy store. Its very first customers were children. The store front was lively, filled with the cheerful laughter and joyful camaraderie of friends, who gathered in front of the shop, creating a vibrant and cheerful atmosphere.

"Derived from a character in a renowned 17th-century French play--Ragueneau was a Parisian confectioner, known for his benevolent nature in offering free food to the less fortunate. The former president, sharing a deep resonance with this way of life, chose to name the shop in his honour." - Mr. Saito (齋藤さん), Sales Representative (営業担当)

In Honour of "Ragueneau"


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